Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summit Co. Fair and the Ronald McDonald House

Our second fair visit!Tommy and I were glad to see that Farm Bureau is just as supportive of 4-H in Summit Co!

After surviving five days of 4-H Camp Whitewood, Tommy and I decided to make a trip to Summit County! Upon arriving in Akron, we first made a stop at the Ronald McDonald House to drop off what must have been thousands of pop tabs. Our county's Jr. Fair Board has been collecting the pop tabs at different events for a few years now, and we've finally made our donation!

Our first stop at the fair was to see the horse awards ceremony/banquet. We were told that the horse clubs make up over 50% of Summit Co. 4-H clubs! There were so many youth there, many of whom were recognized for up to 13 years in 4-H! Tommy and I even got to meet some of the fair's royalty, as well as be announced during the banquet ceremony.

In addition to the tradition booths, many of the 4-H groups made an informational tri-folds, all of which had a movie theme. Tommy and I loved this idea! All of them were very creative and unique, as well as educational and eye-catching!

Tommy and I were left to wander the barns. As in Trumbull County, the goat project area is flourishing! Even the poultry had their own HUGE barn! However, there were not many cows at the fair, as Summit Co is a more urbanized area. Most impressive - animal wise - were the more exotic types of animals. Summit county had not only snakes, spiders, and miniature horses, but alpacas, emus, and even an ostrich!

Tommy with the most exotic animals we've ever seen at a fair: emus and an ostrich!

Summit County had a lot to offer to cloverbuds and younger fair visitors. Not only did they have a nice Youth Park inside the fairgrounds (complete with picnic tables, a stage, toys, and face painting princesses!), but they also offered an area for 4-H cloverbuds to display their own "animal project." It was so cute!

Our favorite cloverbud animal display...a pet dragon!

We even got to see our friend from Vision in Preschoolers, Summit County extension educator, Jackie Krieger. We were glad to catch up with her, as she shared with us a little more about the fair and our upcoming vision screening in Barberton.

Though the fair was very small, Tommy and I enjoyed all it had to offer! Our next stop will hopefully be the Ohio State fair!

Miles traveled on fair tours: 242

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Carroll Co. Fair

Our First Fair Tour!Tommy and I before the trip to Carroll Co's Fair

On Wednesday, Tommy and I toured our first fair as Trumbull Co. King and Queen! Neither of us had ever seen Carroll Co's fair; we were warmly welcomed by everyone there. We first met Michael, the King runner-up, who led us straight to their fair's still auction, and the county's king and queen, Max and Melinda. Tommy and I were both very impressed with the still auction, and thought it was a good opportunity for those 4-Hers who may not be able to have livestock to show off and even profit from their project. We saw everything from furniture to cookies being sold! Tommy and I even got to sell a fair basket in the auction.

The basket we sold went for $150!

Our first fair tour was nothing short of a success. We missed the rain, met some wonderful people, and Tommy even purchased some of his beloved fair waffles (a food which he sorely missed at our own fair). Thanks to Max, Melinda, Michael, and the Sr. Fair Board of Carroll County, who made our visit possible!

Miles traveled on fair tours: 148

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Trumbull Co. Fair 2010

The 2010 Trumbull County fair was certainly one to remember. We had beautiful weather all week long (a first in my memory)! As Queen, I was quite busy all week. Here were some of my highlights.

Tuesday, June 29: Early in the afternoon, I helped to organize the Jr. Fair Board's second annual Jr. Fair Member Auction. As a junior member of the Trumbull Co. Advisory Committee, as well as the 2008 4-H Queen, I enjoyed helping in our county's 4-H crowning ceremony. This year was our county's first year to have a Jr. 4-H Court, which was geared for kids ages 9 to 13, with a least one year completed in the program. I was more than ecstatic to crown my little brother, Jimmy, as the first Trumbull Co. Jr. 4-H Prince! His twin, Tori, is a member of the Jr. Court.
Our county's first Jr. 4-H Princess and Prince: Tatum Sheets and James DePizzo

Wednesday, June 30: Tommy and I worked on a new fundraiser for the Jr. Fair Board, Cow Patty Bingo, all morning. We spent hours creating our "bingo sheet" in the draft horse arena...our cow only took about 3 minutes to leave a "deposit" and declare our winner! We rushed to our rabbit show later that afternoon.

Thursday, July 1: Tommy and I got up early to meet Channel 21 at our fair gates! After meeting Mike Case, we filmed three shorts about the fair. Being on camera was so much fun! We talked about our roles as King and Queen, ate fried PB&J (try it - delicious!), and took part in the fire show. You can watch our shorts by clicking the links below. Filling in for a MIA livestock photographer, I was able to watch and take pictures of the steer show! I was so happy for the Grand Champion, Emily Culp (my fellow coworker at Locos Amigos) and Reserve Champion, Erika Zuga (one of my campers at Whitewood).

Friday, July 2: Rabbit showmanship! I was happy to win fourth place in senior showmanship. I coordinated and judged the JFB's ice cream eating contest...those kids really downed the ice cream fast! I was quite impressed. Later in the evening, I helped out fellow JFB member, Tyler Wolfe with his second annual Trumbull Idol Competition by passing out awards. Each of the singers was so talented! I was really proud of Tyler for making such a huge event go over so smoothly. That night, I went on my first ever block watch. It was definitely a new experience for me. I even got to see a baby goat be born!
Mr. Hartman, Tommy, and I on a block watch shift

Saturday, July 3: Tommy and I were "spotters" at the auction. It certainly kept us on our toes all morning! We got to meet our 2010 Ohio Fair's Queen, Heather Wilson, who was touring our fair that day. What a sweet girl! Later that night, I went on my first helicopter ride with my "body guard" for the week, Mr. Mathew Hartman. Even though none of our photos turned out that great, seeing the fair at night from the sky was absolutely breath taking.
Ohio Fair's Queen Heather, myself, and Tommy outside the rabbit barn

Sunday, July 4: Happy 4th of July! This was my last day of fair. It was a bittersweet end, as always. Big events of the day included the very popular kiddie tractor pull, the parade of colors, and the annual Advisory breakfast.

Becoming Miss TCF and Jr. Fair Queen

A few weeks after my county fair, the Trumbull County Fair, I've finally had a chance to catch my breath! Before the fair even officially started, on Monday, June 28, I was lucky enough to be crowned both Miss Trumbull County Fair 2010 and the 2010 Jr. Fair Queen. I was and am so honored to represent my county with both of these titles!

Our county's Jr. Fair Royal Court is crowned based on an application and interview. Last year, I was named the Jr. Fair Princess. Now, in 2010, I was crowned the Jr. Fair Queen. I am so excited to hold this title, alongside my coworker and best friend, Mr. Thomas Shay, Jr. Fair King. We plan to be very active this year, touring several fairs and attending various community events.
Tommy and I after the crowning ceremony

The Miss Trumbull County Fair competition is a pageant held at the fair grounds and open to resident girls of Trumbull County, ages 15 to 19. I started competing as soon as I was old enough! The pageant is based on an application, formal wear, a speech, and on stage question. My first two years, I was named first runner up. Finally, my fourth try, I made it, becoming Miss Trumbull County Fair 2010. I couldn't be any happier!

Being crowned Miss TCF 2010 by the 2009 Queen, Ashley Dietz

The winners and our wonderful MC, Mr. Mike Wilson

As both Miss TCF and Jr. Fair Queen, I will represent my county at the 2011 Ohio Fair's Queen contest in January. I am very excited, as well as nervous, for this wonderful opportunity! Before then, however, I plan on touring various fairs around the state, as well as participating in many community events.
I've started this blog to cite my travels as both Miss TCF and the Jr. Fair Queen. I'm sure this year will be one to remember.